General Information

Program Objectives

This program is aimed at ambitious students seeking to become qualified automobile mechanics. The qualification provides skills, knowledge and attitudes to work autonomously in the area of automobile technology. Students learn key scientific engineering principles that allow them to independently identify problems and propose and design solutions as well as mastering the practices of installing, maintaining, repairing and replacing automotive parts. Furthermore, students are educated in concepts of management and entrepreneurship to allow them to grasp their field of expertise within the larger context of the business and market environment.

Career Prospects

Successful graduates will be able to integrate into the automobile industry as automobile workers. Automobile technicians could join both the private and the public sector working for automotive garages, construction companies, petrol station, automobile schools, the manufacturing industry or public vehicle inspection centers. Potential job titles may include automotive engine repairer, automotive electrician, automotive service person, automotive braking systems repairer or automotive transmission line system repairer.